We have had a busy start to 2016 with our busiest ever sling meets and adding an extra meet in Witham. A big hello to you if you have been to a sling meet recently. A special hello too goes to those parents we have met at the pregnancy information evening held at the Chelmsford Children's Centre.
We are also super excited to now be offering 1:1 consultations if you feel you would like some extra time to try on more slings, learn a particular skill, or simply have more time to practise. We'd love to hear from you if you would like to book a consultations.
I'm very pleased to introduce to you two new peer supporters who have joined the ranks, Gemma and Heather have both gots lots of baby wearing experience and a passion for spreading the baby wearing love.
We'd love to see you at one of our next meets. Come along and find out more about baby wearing, get help with the next step, learn more about cloth nappies or simply come for the cake!
Next Sling Meets are: (10-12)
1st March: Pickles Playhouse, Witham
11th March: Big Sling Meet @ Trinity Methodist Church Hall
15th March: Pickles Playhouse, Witham
22nd March: Coffee Morning @ Ideas Hub, Chelmsford
Happy baby wearing x