To the parents who are worried that by allowing their baby to sleep on them in a sling that they are making a rod for their own back…
To the mums who have seeds of doubt sewn in their mind about babywearing…
Don’t worry. Honestly, don’t worry. It will all be ok. To begin with, your baby’s needs are simple, and being close to you is one of them. But it can feel overwhelming, intense, and full of responsibility.
Enjoy the bits you can. If you enjoy babywearing, do it. If it works for you and your baby, do it. Don’t put the baby down. Rock the baby to sleep. Enjoy cuddling their warm, snuggly, squishy body while they snooze peacefully. Don’t let the guilt and worry set in. Imagine your sling as a shield protecting you against worry that you are making a rod for your own back. You are not.
Because all too soon babies change. They go from sleeping all day, to being more awake and wanting to look at their new world. Then before you know it, they are reaching out to touch things and want to interact with the people and things they see. Then, all of a sudden, they learn to walk and talk and they don’t need or want to be held all the time. And don’t worry, some day, not too far away, your toddler will throw an almighty tantrum at the very idea of being carried in a sling!
Every stage passes in a heartbeat and
a foundation of love and cuddles can never be a bad thing.