Being a parent is brilliant.
Babies are beautiful.
But sometimes, just sometimes, it’s hard…
When you put the baby in the sling and they cry (rather than settle)…urgh, I get it.
When you’re out in public and it all goes horribly wrong, people are watching, the wrap is dragging in the mud and you’re trying to juggle shopping bags and wrangle a baby into a sling…hands up, I’ve been there.
When you try back carrying for the first time, you and baby end up a hot and sweaty mess, near tears because it’s so f*&king hard. That happened to me, lots. (It took me 2 months to learn to back carry.)
When you need to pick something up off the floor but you’re babywearing. Worse, you’re walking the dogs and you have to pick up your dog’s poop. Not cool and not easy.
When baby is snoozing peacefully in the sling but you need to go out and you’ve got to put your shoes on. I tried to do it the other day, put on and tie high-tops with baby in the sling on my front. Nightmare.
When baby is sick or poos on your wrap. Or worse still, when baby is sick on one wrap and while that one is washing, baby poos on a different sling. AARRRRGGGHHH. As if I didn’t have enough washing!
When you have a bad sling day. It’s not tight enough, it’s too tight, it’s digging etc.…I had one the other day, I had to keep readjusting the wrap. It’s so annoying!
When baby will only sleep in the sling and someone tells you you’re making a rod for your own back. Yep, it’s the worst.
When you spill something on your wrap cos you’re eating while babywearing. Chilli on a pale silk wrap. Crap.
When your toddler falls over on a walk while you’re wearing the baby and now you’ve got to try and carry two children.
When your toddler loses their shit when you try and get them into the sling. So hard!...
When you are so damn tired and you just want someone to carry you…
…I just want you to know that it’s all worth it.
Even when baby is unsettled, you’re holding them close to your heart, ready to comfort them, surrounding them with love.
Even when you think it is going horribly wrong out and about, you’ll be surprised at how many people actually just think you’re bloody amazing.
Even if that first attempt at back carrying isn’t perfect, remember it’s a skill that takes time to learn. Give yourself a break!
Even when you curse the thing you have to pick up from the floor, lunge instead and you’ll have things of steel in no time!
Even when baby will only sleep on you…remember you are giving them the gift of security and closeness which is what they crave.
Even when you have to deal with a toddler tantrum, know that you are helping them deal with their little emotions by allowing them to feel grounded once again cuddled in to the closeness of you.
Babywearing and attachment parenting can just be hard sometimes. You have to give so much of yourself to carry around this little being, to allow them to be close to you, to rest on you. There are days when you are trying to juggle a gazillion billion things and can feel burdened.
I just want you to know that you are not alone. I don’t have all the answers but I want you to know that I get it. It is just hard sometimes. I know that even when it is difficult or you’re having a bad day, you are trying so very hard.
You are awesome…