1. There are lots of brands - try several to see that suits you and your child best. At different ages different nappies will work better than others.
2. Sunshine is the best stain remover! Washing nappies every two days is a decent wash load. Pre rinse, then a long wash cycle and another rinse to get rid of any excess soap (as this can affect absorbency).
3. When putting a nappy on baby, fit the legs first (tuck it into the leg creases) before you do it up.
4. For working mums, nurseries are usually pretty good at accepting cloth nappies and are usually eager to learn. You'll probably have to show them what to do and provide a few extra pairs of trousers just in case.
5. Buying second hand nappies is fantastic. (Don't be put off by second hand, as long as they've been washed it's all good). Cloth nappies can be a bit pricey brand new and buying second hand is just another way of reusing and recycling! (part of the benefit of cloth nappies)
6. Cloth nappies can be super pretty! Tiny nippers do some beautiful designs!
7. Reusable wipes/cloth wipes are brilliant and really gentle on the skin. Cheeky wipes are a fantastic brand or you can just buy some small baby cloths in the £ shop. Stick some lavender and camomile in the fresh wipes box and they come out smelling lovely. A great tip is to keep a water/lavender and camomile mix in a squirt bottle which is in your nappy kit to wet the cloth wipes as you need them.
We always have the cloth nappy kits at all of our sling meets - you'll be very welcome to come along and have a look!