Motherhood is full of awesome and wonderful moments, amazing as staring into the dark, mysterious sky at night. I try to cling on to moments of awe and wonder but it can be really hard. Babywearing, wrapping, is so much more than a practical parenting tool for me. It is the power to experience awesome-wonder with my family, keeping my baby close and at the heart of family life. Gazing at them and knowing that they are a story, unfolding as wonderful as the majesty of the universe, is truly awe-inspiring.
I was drawn to Firespiral’s Starmap wraps a long time ago because of my love of the stars. One of the early Starmaps was Siolfur, it was my first Firespiral wrap and well and truly had me hooked. I should tell you that I have some serious love for Firespiral as a company. Their wrap designs are based on the awesome and wonderful patterns of the natural world. The way they are woven creates a magical, awesome, wearable-wonder quality to them. They glide, grip and sculpt in a way that is incredibly easy to use. (Find out more about them here.) They are more than just a piece of fabric, and the 925 is no exception.
One of the other things that makes me love Fispi so very much is their ethical standpoint. Their fabrics are locally and ethically sourced. The weaving process takes place locally to them and even their packaging is reusable. They have also created an amazingly generous fledgling scheme for new-comers to woven wraps making babywearing more accessible to all. When I’m looking out at the stars, I cant help also reflect on our shared tiny speck of a world and be, reminded of how vulnerable our planet is and how I have a responsibility to help look after it for the good of my children?. To be able to make choices in my babywearing journey which supports our world and the environment is a great gift from Firespiral, and one I’m very grateful for.
As a babywearing consultant and sling librarian I was fortunate enough to connect with Firespiral on a professional level and have the opportunity to review this wrap. As a self-confessed fan it I will still do my best to be honest. My first impression of 925 was it is seriously soft, melting onto your shoulders and around baby. When I opened the packaging, my husband asked me if it was a blanket it was so lovely to stroke! I’m a multiple-times-a-day babywearer. I need something comfortable, useful and enjoyable to wrap with. 925 has seen Anna and I through times of good and bad, the mundane and the wonderful…
…When I’ve rushed wrapping on the school run, and we’re running out of time, 925 is kind to me. A sloppy wrap job is still supportive and comfortable…
…When I’m walking for miles there is almost a suspension to 925, a gentle absorbing of the stomp of my heavy feet on the ground around my baby…
…When it’s 11pm and my poorly baby is only settled being wrapped, the merciful break she gets from crying caused by teething is blissful…
…When it’s a mad (as usual) dinner time, back carrying saves the day the 925 has a beautiful glide and grip in the perfect combination. It’s like this wrap is on my team...!
…When the baby squeals in delight as she gets a handful of wrap as I get it down from the shelf, she knows its cuddle time, she seems to love these stars as much as I do…
…When I’m feeling frazzled with life and the baby needs a cuddle to sleep, the 925 mellows me out with it’s soft and smooshy, blanket like quality…
…When we’re at the zoo at the baby is kicking her legs in excitement and you know you can trust 925 to keep a wrap job sturdy, strong and in place even in the excitement…
…When you put the baby up and she just peacefully zonks-out, all wrapped up in the stars. Wonderful.
This is most definitely a wrap to see you through your whole babywearing journey, it is awesome and wonderful.