1. My first experience was over ten years ago when my best friend had a very small baby who wouldn't be put down: she was the first of my friends to have a baby. She tried a stretchy wrap and I was impressed by how much it calmed the crying and decided I wanted one for my own baby who was about to arrive. I got a stretchy wrap but struggled with the instructions especially the recommended cradle carry for sleeping which I just couldn't trust. My little boy didn't seem to be breathing right in this position so I abandoned it, moving on to a baby bjorn another friend gave me. My baby was a chunk so he fitted fine and his airway was clear but we didn't feel as close and it wasn't especially comfy. Another good friend suggested an Ergobaby; we got a blue one and we loved it, it came everywhere with us.
2. Can you choose a favourite sling/wrap/carrier?
My favourite - that's a hard one as I have tried so very very many! I still have my Roses Zen ring sling from Oscha as that was sent to me to try out before it was released- so comfy and my first Roses. Our Roses Eventide wrap is also still with us, and Nadia from Aroha sent us a Walters Miramar shorty which I absolutely adore. We have some very special Bebe Sachi wraps as well as I have so much admiration for this project. Some of the buckle carriers we've had over the years are also well loved, particularly our Liberty toddler connecta!
3) my favourite moment is always the same - that moment when a parent realises that this carrier they have just put on is going to change their lives. The look in their eyes and that sigh they make; you just know something has clicked and the future for that family is one of close contact. It still makes my eyes mist up!
4) there have been many inspirations for me but one who has been a constant source of encouragement and friendship is Anne McEwan: founder of Natural Mamas and Born to Carry. She's the wisest person I know! Plus my team in Sheffield; working alongside me at the front line of serving families in our city. Their enthusiasm and excitement inspires me.
5)when was the last time you baby-wore? Babywearing specifically? About 2 weeks ago with my just-turned-7 year old, in the Aroha shorty in a knot less ruck!
6) my role in the babywearing world is to reach out to families and carers and health and social care professionals. Our society needs to know that interesting and close contact with children matters on so many levels: physical, psychological, emotional. Carrying children next to the body is so important, in arms and in slings. I don't care how people carry their children as long as it is safe, comfy and effective, I don't believe in complex rules or elitism or hierarchies: we should all carry our children. I wrote a book about it as part of the "why it matters" series for Pinter and Martin: why babywearing matters! I am working on a new website at the moment and I train peer supporters as well as providing CPD at conferences and meetings around the UK and Europe.
(Find Rosie on the social media @carryingmatters)
Thank you Rosie!
And do check out Britt Marsh Browns answers 👇👇 just below!