Babywearing has featured lots in these first few weeks, in fact we are buggy-less and avoiding the car (mostly because Anna screams!). The list of advantages babywearing offers for baby is substantial and awesome, but today I want to write about the benefits of babywearing to me, and you. It’s important to nurture yourself or at least find ways and hacks to make sure you don’t end up too burnt out as an attached parent – babywearing offers lots of those for me:
Who else has an extreme stress reaction to their newborn crying? When Anna was just a few days old, a wise friend pointed out to me that I was MEANT to feel this way. I also have, what can only be described as separation anxiety when I’m not with my newborn. My amazing husband told me that I needed to stop leaving Anna to get on with other things, especially when she was awake, because it was causing me to have a mega stress response when I wasn’t with her (cue crying – from me). When I’ve felt like this, to wrap my newborn up has been a massively calming experience for me. It is the Mama bear in me needing to be close to my baby to offer protection. I have submitted to this need to be close.
In fact lots is said about bonding and the flow of oxytocin between mother and baby through close contact. Again the benefit is not just for baby but for mum (and dad) too. I have been massively selfish (and rightly so) with sharing cuddles with my newborn. I just haven’t. Breastfeeding and babywearing are awesome excuses to not have to pass your baby around!
I have breastfed all my babies and each time found it incredibly difficult. However, through babywearing, at least I get to know Anna’s feeding ques and can respond to her quickly simply because we are close and try and avoid that stress reaction. (case in point, at the zoo the other day Anna started sturring for milk, I chucked my bags on the floor ready to just feed her where I stopped. My poor husband pointed out afterwards that she wasn’t even crying at that point!)
I think it is natural to feel guilty when a second (third, fourth…) baby comes along. That the children who came before wont/can’t/don’t get quite as much attention as before. Babywearing my newborn really helps me deal with this feeling of guilt. I’m giving my baby the warmth and closeness she craves and allows me to be with my other children. It seems to be a lovely way of allowing the baby to gently be involved in daily life with her siblings.
Babywearing is an awesome parenting tool and I’ve got it! There have been times when simply wrapping Anna up, and cuddling close, has calmed and soothed her. To have tool which helps stop my baby crying is a gift!
I’ve given up shopping for clothes for myself at the moment. My body has changed drastically and I’ve no idea what to do with it. My days of enjoying clothes shopping for my self are such distant memories (fond memories, but distant). But a girl needs something pretty every now and again. Wraps are so pretty. There are patterns and colours for everyone! My favourite wrap companies are Oscha and Firespiral for their designs and colours and for their careful and responsible ways of producing such wonderful cloth for babywearing.
I love winter babywearing. It’s so snuggly and warm. I’m a person who struggles with the cold, give me a baby, a wrap and a fleece and I’m happy!
Wrapping up Anna means I can take my dogs out and get some fresh air. It encourages a bit of movement and not only that but helps with my posture (babywearing seems to make you stand up that much straighter). Babywearing engages my core muscles which after 4 babies need all the help they can get.
So there you go, some of my reasons why babywearing is good for ME!